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Yuqing Liu

I received my Ph. D. degree in 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Wen Gao. Formerly, I did my research at Dalian University of Technology (DUT), Peking University (PKU), Advanced Institute of Information Technology, Peking University (PKU-AIIT) and Pengcheng Laboratory (PCL) separately. My research interests include image/video restoration, quality assessment and compression.

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  • To be continued...
  • Projects

    To be continued...


  • 06/2022, Efficient Image Super-Resolution Based on the Content Modeling at ZJUT [Link]
  • Research

    1. Sequential Hierarchical Learning with Distribution Transformation for Image Super-Resolution
      Yuqing Liu, Xinfeng zhang, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma and Wen Gao
      ACM TOMM 2023 | paper
    2. Hierarchical Similarity Learning for Aliasing Suppression Image Super-Resolution
      Yuqing Liu, Qi Jia, Jian Zhang, Xin Fan, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma and Wen Gao
      IEEE TNNLS 2022 | paper
    3. Cross-SRN: Structure-preserving super-resolution network with cross convolution
      Yuqing Liu, Qi Jia, Xin Fan, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma and Wen Gao
      IEEE TCSVT 2022 | paper
    4. Iterative network for image super-resolution
      Yuqing Liu, Shiqi Wang, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma and Wen Gao
      IEEE TMM 2021 | paper
    5. Spatial-temporal correlation learning for real-time video deinterlacing
      Yuqing Liu, Xinfeng Zhang, Shanshe Wang, Siwei Ma and Wen Gao
      IEEE ICME 2021 | paper

